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MT4 indicator licence issues

There is a sporadic issue with MetaTrader 4 caused by MT4 contacting the server broker and transiently appearing to log out. This generates an error messages and removes the indicators from all charts.

We are currently in contact with the MT4 licensing providers to see if this can be fixed from their side. In the meantime this article goes over how to fix the issue when it occurs.

The issue itself is very easy to solve. Simply restarting MT4 will solve the issue. However the indicators being removed from the charts can cause the following 3 issues:

  • If you were running the Hurst Cycles indicators on all of your charts then all the charts will be closed. MT4 cannot run without any charts open and it will shut down automatically. This can prevent MT4 from being started up again - if this happens then the it is necessary to download a small file to place inside the MT4 installation folder. Please contact support and they will provide you with detailed instructions to fix this issue.
  • If you were running the Hurst Cycles indicators on some but not all of your charts then the ones they were running on will be closed. This leaves MT4 open and running, however it may be necessary to build your closed charts again from scratch. To prevent this take a look at this video from the Academy which provides instructions to prevent this sort of thing from happening.
  • Finally the issue may occur on startup before MT4 has fully started up. This can cause both issues described above.
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  1. Sam Medwin

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
